Easter changes things! Once you have experienced Easter things can never be the same. Those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God cannot die. Yes, our machines wear out; our bodies die. But, people who love and follow Jesus realize they cannot die. They come to believe that human death is like “sleep”, as Jesus often said. Once you come to understand the reality of Easter, human history can never be the same. History itself is not cyclical. Instead, we know there is a “beginning”, a “middle” and an “end”. History is actually “salvation history”, the history of our Fall, human failures, God’s love and Mercy; and his redemption of his believers. Jesus is the “Center” of history. God sent his Son to redeem the world. The kingdom of heaven is at hand for those who are baptized and faithful to his commandments.
Easter changes things! Jesus teaches us that everything written about him in the “Law and the Prophets” (The Old Testament) was fulfilled when he came among us, and he suffered and died for us, to redeem us from our sins.
Easter changes things! Everything changed the day of the Resurrection. The old human history ended. That was the part of human history ruled by Death. Jesus conquered Death. Death can never claim one of God’s children who have been baptized and follow his Commandments. Once you are baptized and accept in faith your own resurrection you do not need to fear death. Of what are we afraid? Death? Jesus conquered death, and he told us, “Do not be afraid”.
Easter changes things! With our baptism we enter God’s Kingdom forever. Our future is with Jesus. Do not be afraid!
Repent! Confess. And believe! And follow his Commandments. Don’t miss Mass.
He is Risen! Alleluia!